iAGS Academy


Learn Python with AGS


Python Basics

Know about background of Python, why do we need Programing Languages, Python Installation and First Program, Comments in Python etc.

Variables and Data Types

Learn about variables in Python, Swap two Variables, Tuples, Set , Dictionary in Python , Type conversion in Python etc

Input and Output in Python

Get to know all about inputs, outputs and print in Python


Get to know all about Arithmetic Operators, Logical Operators, Membership Test Operators, Bitwise Operators, Find Last Digit in Python etc

Flow Control

Get to know all about if, else and elif, Even-Odd , Leap Year, Calculator Program in Python etc


Get to know all about For loops, While loops, Nested loops, Break & Continue statements, Printing Triangle Pattern, Factorial, GCD, LCM , Fibonacci numbers, Prime numbers etc


Get to know all about introduction to Functions, Applications of Functions, Default Arguments, Keyword Arguments, Parameter Passing in Python , Global Variables in Python etc


Get to know all about Strings in Python, Escape Sequences and Raw Strings, Formmatted String in Python, String Operations, Palindrome, Reverse a String, Decimal to binary etc


Get to know more about Slicing (List,Tuple And String), Comprehensions in Python , Average or Mean of a List , Count Distinct Elements in a List , Sorted list etc

Complete Machine Learning & Data Science Program

Data Science is one of the most in-demand jobs of the 21st century. A majority of companies now rely on data science to make informed decisions about their future and create an action plan. This course, a blend of self-paced learning modules and Live Guidance Sessions, will
introduce you to the world of Data Science from collecting various types of data to storing, pre-processing, analyzing, model building and deploying them with latest Data Science techniques.

Python for Data Science

Introducing Python – Python Basics, Operators, Loops, Functions, Strings, List, Tuples, Dictionary, Set, Object-oriented concepts(OOPs) and much more.

Data Toolkit – Getting started with Files, Inventory Management System with Files, Inventory Management System with JSON, Mastering Numpy Arrays, Getting started with OS , Jupyter Notebook Setup, OS with Python, etc.

Data Analytics

Data Analysis with Python – Getting started with Pandas, Statistics, Data Preprocessing, Data Analysis

– DBMS & MySQL, Tables & Databases, Inserting & Retrieving Data, Data Types, Constraints, Aggregation, Joins, Unions, Indexes, Transactions,
Injection, DLC & TLD Commands, Function, Views, Normalization, etc.

Data Visualization and Scraping

Tableau – Introduction to Tableau, Understanding Parameters, Basic Plots, Fundamentals of Tableau, Designing the Plots, etc

Web Scraping – Learn how to Scrape, Selenium, Image Dataset Creation, and much more



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